1. Infrastructure Improvement and Its Impacts on The Indonesian Economic Performance 2. Bank Risk and Market Dicipline 3. Private Information Arrival at Indonesia Stock Exchange, Reality or Imaginary? U-Shaped Return Variance Curve Verification 4. Social Capital in Non-Barter Transaction Chain in Pasar Biante Kawangkoan, North Sulawesi Province 5. A Cross-Cultural Study on The Value Structu…
1. The Analysis of Indonesia Economic Growth : A Study in Six Bag Islands in Indonesia 2. Model of it Adoption For Increasing The MSME's Competitive Advantage 3. Wool Worths Australia and Walmart us : Best Practices in Supply Chain Collaboration 4. The Influential Factors on The Patients Satisfaction and Intent to Behave : A Case Study in North Sulawesi Province 5. Increasing The Employees'…
1. Auditor Tenure and Audit Quality : Evidence of Mandatory Auditor Rotation in Indonesia 2. The Influence of Companies'Life Cycles on Earnings Management Behavior 3. Is There Insider Trading? An Examination of Merger and Acquisition Announcements in The Indonesian Stock Market 4. Strategic Discrosure Multiple Bencmarks in Earnings Announcements An Examination of Investor Behavior Based on I…