BUKU ORIGINAL PENERBIT DEEPUBLISH Manajemen SDM (human resources management) merupakan isu penting pada Era Revolusi 4.0. Revolusi Industri 4.0 yang terjadi sekarang tidak hanya berhasil menggeser life style (gaya hidup) dan mindset (pola pikir) masyarakat dunia lewat disruptive innovation, melainkan menghilangkan beberapa profesi dan digantikan mesin. Bahkan bermunculannya profesi baru sepert…
1. The Analysis of Indonesia Economic Growth : A Study in Six Bag Islands in Indonesia 2. Model of it Adoption For Increasing The MSME's Competitive Advantage 3. Wool Worths Australia and Walmart us : Best Practices in Supply Chain Collaboration 4. The Influential Factors on The Patients Satisfaction and Intent to Behave : A Case Study in North Sulawesi Province 5. Increasing The Employees'…