1. The Rise of China and its Implication on Indonesi-United States Trade 2. Convergence of GDRP Per Capita and Economic Growth among Indonesia Province, 1988-2008 3. Livestock Products Demand in Indonesia : Choosing Between AIDS and Rotterdam Demand Models 4. Zaka Potential as a Means to Overcome Poverty (A Study in Lampung) 5. Do Overconfident Investors Trade Excessively in The Capital Mar…
1. Environmentally Adjusted Productivity Growth of Indonesian Rise Production 2. The Impact of Education on Economic Growth in Indonesia 3. Spatial Small Area Estimation For Determinant of Underdeveloped Villages in The Province of Yogyakarta (DIY) in 2011 4. The Influence of Information, Organizational Objective and Targets, and External Pressure Towards The Adoption of Performance Measurem…
1. Infrastructure Improvement and Its Impacts on The Indonesian Economic Performance 2. Bank Risk and Market Dicipline 3. Private Information Arrival at Indonesia Stock Exchange, Reality or Imaginary? U-Shaped Return Variance Curve Verification 4. Social Capital in Non-Barter Transaction Chain in Pasar Biante Kawangkoan, North Sulawesi Province 5. A Cross-Cultural Study on The Value Structu…
1. Analisis Pengaruh Merger dan Akuisisi Terhadap Kinerja Perusahaan Publik di Indonesia 2. Capital Market Reaction to The Knowledge Management Initiatives ; an Event Study 3. Dampak Earnings Reporting Lags Terhadap Koefisien Respon Laba 4. Hubungan Manjemen Laba (Earnings Management) Dengan Kinerja Operasi dan Return Saham di Sekitar IPO 5. Pengaruh Independensi Auditor Terhadap Manajemen …