1. Auditor Tenure and Audit Quality : Evidence of Mandatory Auditor Rotation in Indonesia 2. The Influence of Companies'Life Cycles on Earnings Management Behavior 3. Is There Insider Trading? An Examination of Merger and Acquisition Announcements in The Indonesian Stock Market 4. Strategic Discrosure Multiple Bencmarks in Earnings Announcements An Examination of Investor Behavior Based on I…
1. Asymmetric Price Reaction : Evidence From Emerging Capital Markets 2. Investigation of Factors Influencing Voluntary Disclosure of Financial Information on The Internet by Indonesia Companies 3. Implementation of Good Corporate Governance and Financial Performance : Lessons From Telecommunication and Technology Sector in South East Asia 4. The Effect of Earnings Management and Corporate G…
1. The Effect of Reporting of Exchange Rate Losses on The Stock Market Reaction 2. Analisa Perataan Penghasilan (Income Smoothing) : Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi dan Kaitannya Dengan Kinerja Saham Perusahaan Publik di Indonesia 3. Hubungan Tindakan Perataan Laba Dengan Reaksi Pasar Atas Pengumuman Informasi Laba Perusahaan yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Jakarta 4. Hubungan Kandungan Informa…
1. The Impact of Accounting Methods for Transaction Gains (Losses) on The Earning Response Coefficients : The Indonesian Case 2. Comparing The Earnings Response Coefficients of U.S.Multinational and Domestics Firms : The Use of Geographic Segment Reporting Information 3. Pengaruh Kombinasi Keunggulan dan Keterbatasan Perusahaan Terhadap Set Kesempatan Investasi (IOS) 4. Analsis Kandungan Inf…