Pengaruh Electronic Word of Mouth dan Brand Image TerhadapKeputusan Pembelian Mixue di Cabang Jalan Braga
Abstrak: Brand image is the most important factor inconsumers' decision to buy the product. Agoodimpression of a brand can also increase sales byconvincing consumers to try, through electronicword of mouth consumers can find out reviews of abrand. In this research, quantitative research is usedbecause the research data used is in the formof
numbers and analyzed using statistics. The samplingtechnique in this research is non-probabilitysampling using a purposive sampling method(purposeful sampling). The Adjusted R Square valueor coef icient of determination obtained is 0.711. It can be concluded that the independent variableselectronic word of mouth (X1) and Brand Image (X2) have an influence on purchasing decisions (Y) of 71.1%. Meanwhile, the remainder, namely 28.9%, was influenced by other variables not examinedinthis research
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