1. Quarterly Analysis : The Progress of Monetary, Banking and Payment System, Quarter II-2011 2. Persistence of Inflation in Jakarta and Its Implication on The Regional Inflation Control Policy 3. Sovereign Risk Analysis of Developing Countries : Findings From Credit Default SWAP Premium Behaviour 4. Determinant of Bank Runs in Indonesia : Bad Luck or Fundamental? 5. Long-Run Money and Infl…
1. Quarterly Analysis : The Progress of Monetary, Banking and Payment System, Quarter III-2010 2. Do Regional Trade Areas Improve Export Competitiveness?-A Case of Indonesia 3. The Impact of ACFTA Implementation on International Trade of Indonesia 4. Is ACFTA Proper Strategy of Sustainable Poverty Alleviation? : Proof From The Depletion of Saving Rate 5. Making East ASIAN Regionalism Works
1. Quarterly Analysis : The Progress of Monetary, Banking and Payment System, Quarter II-2012 2. Early Warning Indicators Study of Bank Runs in Indonesia : Markov-Switching Approach 3. Meta-Analysis of Money Demand in Indonesia 4. Intermediation Characteristics and Functions of Banking in Indonesia 5. Does The Local Economic Governance in Indonesia Perform an Improvement?