1. Regional Economic Modelling For Indonesia : Implementation of IRSA-INDONESIA 5 2. The Identification of Structural Break at Time Series Data on Indonesian Economy 1990QI-2008Q4 : The Application of Zivot and Andrews' Experiment 3. Market Return, Volatility, and Trading Volume Dynamics After Economic Crisis 4. The Influence of Satisfaction and Relationship
1. Empirical Study on Bad Debt and Its Factors of Water Supply 2. Hubungan Laba Bersih dan Arus Kas Operasi Dengan Dividen Kas 3. Komparasi Dominasi Kontrol Keluarga Pada Perusahaan-perusahaan Terbuka di Berbagai Negara 4. The Effect of Ownership Structure and Financial Performance on Earning Management 5. Rekayasa Sistem Manajemen Ahli Model Evaluasi Kredit Agroindustri Kelapa Sawit 6. Pe…