1. Infrastructure Improvement and Its Impacts on The Indonesian Economic Performance 2. Bank Risk and Market Dicipline 3. Private Information Arrival at Indonesia Stock Exchange, Reality or Imaginary? U-Shaped Return Variance Curve Verification 4. Social Capital in Non-Barter Transaction Chain in Pasar Biante Kawangkoan, North Sulawesi Province 5. A Cross-Cultural Study on The Value Structu…
1. The Value-Relevance of Stock Options 2. The Ohlson (1995) Modeland Stocj Return 3. Determinant Factors of Audit Quality 4. The Examination of Recency and Knowledge Effect in Stock Investment Decision Making : an Experimental Study 5. The Influence of The Awareness of The Information an Tax Avasion and Moral Principle Towards The Propensity of Tax Evasion : an Experimental Study 6. A Pol…