1. The Rise of China and its Implication on Indonesi-United States Trade 2. Convergence of GDRP Per Capita and Economic Growth among Indonesia Province, 1988-2008 3. Livestock Products Demand in Indonesia : Choosing Between AIDS and Rotterdam Demand Models 4. Zaka Potential as a Means to Overcome Poverty (A Study in Lampung) 5. Do Overconfident Investors Trade Excessively in The Capital Mar…
1. Experimental Study on Manager Ethical Evaluation Towards Earnings Management and Its Consequences 2. The Impact of External Pressure, Environmental Uncertainly, and Commitment of Management on Implementation of Financial Reporting Transparency 3. The Interaction and Measurement Perspective in Decision Usefulness Approach of Accounting Information 4. Corporate Growth and CEO Compensation :…
1. Pengaruh Ketidakpastian dan Desentralisasi Terhadap Karakteristik Sistem Akuntansi Manajemen 2. Pengaruh Sistem Pengukuran Kinerja dan Sistem Penghargaan Terhadap Keefektifan Penerapan Teknik Total Quality Management Studi Empiris Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur di Indonesia 3. Asosiasi Antara Set Kesempatan Investasi Dengan Kebijakan Pendanaan dan Dividen Perusahaan, Serta Implikasinya Pada Pe…