Aplikasi Informasi Pergudangan di CV.Warna 96 Abdi : Mochammad Ikbal Sawaludin,Santoso , Azizah Zakiah , Desain dan Implementasi Aplikasi Plain Text Embedding dengan Algiritma ECC ( Elliptic Curve Cryptography ) : Bambang Ari Wahyudi , Aplikasi Pengelolaan Data Produksi Barang dan Upah Harian karyawan pada CV.Mekar Jaya Furnute Group Di Kota Sumedang : Parida Nurnerawati , Woro Isti Rahayu , Ma…
Kalibrabrasi Mesin Uji Tekan Menggunakan Load Cell sebagai sensor gaya Mawardi , Mardiyanto dan Dwi purwanto Perangkat Lunak Pemantau sumber daya komputer pada lokal area network : Wawa Wikusuna ,Sistem Informasi Geografis untuk rute angkutan umum di kota cirebon berbasis web dengan menggunakan google map api : Elang muhammad Harun Djunaidi dan Ade Irma purnamasari , Pengendalian dan pengama…
1. Infrastructure Policy in Indonesia : New Directions 2. The Influence of Implementing Quality Management Towards Purchasing Performance and Competitive Advantage Making 3. The Impact of Contract Farming on The Profit of Virginia Tobacco Farming in Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara 4. Decentralization and Its Impact on Primary Education Outcomes 5. Reconciling Industrial Clusters and Urban…
1. Comparative Study of The Economic Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Pakistan, India and Indonesia 2. The politics of Bank Supervision 3. Glancing Meteor Shower Over Indonesia : Volatility Spillovers From a Major Stock Market to Indonesian Stock Market and Currency 4. The Global Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Indonesia's Education 5. The Business Perspectives Strategy Toward…
1. The Transfer Problem in Indonesia and Policy Responses 2. Exploring The Indonesian Economic Landscape Structural Change 3. The Impact of Manufacturing Concentration on Regional Inequality : A Case of Regency in Java Region, Indonesia 4. Matrix Index of Income Varieties of Indonesian Labor Force and Its Application in Indonesia 5. Does Legal Transplantation Work? The Case of Indonesian Co…
1. Convergence of Income Among Province in Indonesia 1984-2008 : A Panel Data Approach 2. The Effect of Social Capital on Loan Repayment Behavior of The Poor : A Study on Group Lending Model (GLM) Application in Islamic Microfinance Institution 3. Self Empowerment Model of The Poor in Improving Prosperity : Studies in The District of Alang-alang Lebar Palembang, Indonesia 4. Developing The E…
1. Hubungan Antara Pertumbuhan Industri, Perdagangan Internasional Terhadap Konsentrasi Industri dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Jawa Timur 2. Atribut Proyek dan Mudharib Dalam Pembiayaan Mudharabah Pada Bank Syari'ah di Indonesia 3. Microfinance Institutions and Economic Development 4. Peran Sektor Informal Terhadap Perekonomian Daerah : Pendekatan Delphi-10 dan Aplikasi 5. Analisis Perilaku In…
1. Analisis Aglomerasi dan Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Terkonsentrasinya Lembaga Pendidikan Tinggi di Pulau Jawa 2. Struktur Pasar dan Perilaku Industri Semen di Indonesia Tahun 2004-2005 3. Non-Traded Goods and Purchasing Power Parity Deviation : Evidence From Asean Countries 4. Health Cost in Indonesia : Evidences From IFLS and Susenas Data 5. Studi Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Proyek Pena…
1. The Analysis of Indonesia Economic Growth : A Study in Six Bag Islands in Indonesia 2. Model of it Adoption For Increasing The MSME's Competitive Advantage 3. Wool Worths Australia and Walmart us : Best Practices in Supply Chain Collaboration 4. The Influential Factors on The Patients Satisfaction and Intent to Behave : A Case Study in North Sulawesi Province 5. Increasing The Employees'…
1. Komunikasi Interpersonal dan Fasilitas Kesehatan : Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kepercayaan, Loyalitas, WOM Rumah Sakit 2. Survei Index Kepuasan Supplier Sebagai Penerapan Pemasaran Holistik (Studi Kasus PT.Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk) 3. Analisis Pengaruh Peran Strategis Bagian Sumber Daya Manusia Terhadap Persepsi Investasi Pengembangan Pegawai (Studi Kasus PT.X) 4. Capital Structure and Insti…