1. The Effectiveness of Monitoring Controls and Individual Moral Reasoning in The De-escalation of Gommitments 2. Why Do Bidder CEO's Get Disciplined Following Mergers? 3. The Impact of Perceived Performance Evaluation Formality on Managers' Bahavior 4. Examining Madiating and Moderating Models on The Relationship Among Management Control System, Innovations, and Performance 5. A Comparison…
1. Analisis Kerandoman Perilaku Laba (Tahunan) Perusahaan di Bursa Efek Jakarta 2. The Comparison of EPS Standards and Analysis of The Usefulness of Basic and Diluted EPS 3. Pengaruh Variabel Akuntansi dan Data Pasar Terhadap Resiko Persepsian (Perceived Risk) Saham Pada Perusahaan Publik yang Terdaftar di BEJ 4. Pengujuan Packing Order Hypothesis Pada Emiten di Bursa Efek Jakarta 1994 dan 1…