1. Hubungan Antara Pertumbuhan Industri, Perdagangan Internasional Terhadap Konsentrasi Industri dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Jawa Timur 2. Atribut Proyek dan Mudharib Dalam Pembiayaan Mudharabah Pada Bank Syari'ah di Indonesia 3. Microfinance Institutions and Economic Development 4. Peran Sektor Informal Terhadap Perekonomian Daerah : Pendekatan Delphi-10 dan Aplikasi 5. Analisis Perilaku In…
1. Quarterly Analysis : The Progress of Monetary, Banking and Payment System, Quarter I-2010 2. The Impact of Fiscal Policy Toward Economic Performance and Poverty Rate in Indonesia 3. Investment Decision and Financial Constraints L Empirical Study on Indonesia Stock Exchange 4. Co-Movement 4 Period ASEAN Currency 1997-2005 A Theory Application Namely Optimal Currency Area Using Vector Error…
1. Quarterly Analysis : The Progress of Monetary, Banking and Payment System, Quarter I-2013 2. Measuring The Time Inconsistency of Monetary Policy in Indonesia 3. The Effect of Central Bank Independence on Price Stability : The Case of Indonesia 4. The Islamic Capital Market Volatility : A Comparative Study Between in Indonesia and Malaysia 5. Banking Industry Competition in Indonesia