1. The Transfer Problem in Indonesia and Policy Responses 2. Exploring The Indonesian Economic Landscape Structural Change 3. The Impact of Manufacturing Concentration on Regional Inequality : A Case of Regency in Java Region, Indonesia 4. Matrix Index of Income Varieties of Indonesian Labor Force and Its Application in Indonesia 5. Does Legal Transplantation Work? The Case of Indonesian Co…
1. Inflation Targeting dan Tantangan Implementasinya di Indonesia 2. Bank Risk Level and Bank Capital : The Case of The Indonesian Banking Sector 3. Permintaan Beras di Indonesia : Revisited 4. Peranan Ambiguity Dalam Proses Alih Pengetahuan Melalui Aliansi Strategi : Studi Empirik di Indonesia 5. Pengaruh Reputasi Dalam Hubungan Antara Asimetri Informasi Dengan Senjangan Anggaran Dibawah M…
1. The Effectiveness of Monitoring Controls and Individual Moral Reasoning in The De-escalation of Gommitments 2. Why Do Bidder CEO's Get Disciplined Following Mergers? 3. The Impact of Perceived Performance Evaluation Formality on Managers' Bahavior 4. Examining Madiating and Moderating Models on The Relationship Among Management Control System, Innovations, and Performance 5. A Comparison…
1. Simultaneous Relationship Between Corporate Governance Practice and Firm Value 2. Real and Accrual-Based Earnings Management : Can A Qualified Auditor Detect It? 3. The Effect of Tenure and Reputation of Public Accounting Firm Toward Audit Quality : Case of Mandatory Rotation of Auditors in Indonesia 4. The Effect of Conservatism on Information Asymetry 5. The Impact of Information Prese…
1. Pengaruh Variabel Keuangan Terhadap Return Awal dan Return 15 Hari Setelah IPO Serta Moderasi Besaran Perusahaan Terhadap Hubungan Antara Variabel Keuangan Dengan Return Awal dan Return 15 Hari Setelah IPO di Bursa Efek Jakarta 2. Bukti Empiris Pengaruh Spesialisasi Industri Auditor Terhadap Earnings Response Coefficient 3. Ethical Judgement Manajer Terhadap Praktik Earnings Management 4.…